Cut tha Police

The Toronto Star’s Rosie DiManno:

Outgoing: A cart piled high with cases of beer empties.

Incoming: Police Chief Bill Blair.

This was the intriguing traffic at Mayor Rob Ford’s second-floor City Hall office Monday afternoon.

Presumably, the two men did not slug back brewskies during their private 90-minute conclave, though they did emerge with hail-fellow-well-met bonhomie, all flushed with mutual goodwill.

via DiManno: Chief Blair has to make some cuts –

Quick tip to budding writers: if you ever look up from your keyboard and realize you’ve just typed something like “they did emerge with hail-fellow-well-met bonhomie, all flushed with mutual goodwill”, maybe you should consider another career. Or smashing your fingers with a hammer. Whatever comes naturally.

Otherwise: Holding the line on the police budget is one of the few things that’s impressed me about the Ford administration thus far. It’s a principled stand, and one that I did not think he’d make.

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