Goodbye Kouvalis

Ford’s chief of staff and noted election shit-disturber Nick Kovualis is stepping down. Kelly Grant with the Globe reports:

Nick Kouvalis is planning to depart in three or four weeks for a new post within the administration leading the city’s efforts to contract out garbage services, according to Councillor Doug Ford, the Mayor’s brother.

“He’s going to be leaving as the chief of staff, but he will still be part of the team,” Mr. Ford said late Friday. “We’re going to get the subway done, we’re going to finish that deal and then he [Mr. Kouvalis] is going after the garbage.”

via Rob Ford’s chief of staff stepping down – The Globe and Mail.

It’s been played as amiable, but there sure were a lot of rumblings in December that the Fords were unhappy with Kouvalis and his passion for rambling on about how he totally duped the city into voting for a guy who can’t articulate words with four syllables or more.

Ultimately this probably doesn’t add up to much. Ford is established now. The only thing I’d note is that Kouvalis has been a big part of how Ford has managed to rein in his famous temper and avoid the gaffes that marked the early part of his political career. Kouvalis’ exit, which presumably means Doug will be calling more of the shots, could lead to a less disciplined and more free-wheeling Rob Ford.


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