Ford’s revised “subways” plan delayed

Buried within the TTC uploading stories today comes word that the revised transit plan, being worked on by Metrolinx and the TTC at the request of the mayor, will not be presented within the next week or two as expected.

Natalie Alcoba:

The city, Metrolinx and TTC staff are still hammering out a revised transit plan, as per Mayor Ford’s orders that the city ditch a plan to build surface light rail lines in favour of tunnelling underground. But it appears that it won’t be ready by the end of this month, as previously hoped.

“I don’t have a specific timing for the completion of that work,” said Mr. McCuaig. Ms. Stinz said she does not expect a report by the Feb. 2 TTC meeting. “We’re working towards a solution but we’re not there yet,” she said.

via Metrolinx confirms Ford floated idea of handing TTC to province | Posted Toronto | National Post.

Steve Munro confirms the delay in a comment on his blog: “[The new plan] was to come in early February, now late February, and I’ve even heard March as a possibility.”

I have several questions about these delays, not the least of which is what the hundreds of people hired to work on the Transit City projects are doing during this period of uncertainty.

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