Lobbying from student groups led to car tax repeal, says Ford

I feel ridiculous even writing that headline, but there it is. A full-length interview with the mayor is as rare as a unicorn sighting these days, so this from the York University student newspaper is more interesting than it should be. It’s by reporter Pippin Lee, who probably got tired of hobbit jokes when she was younger:

“I’m not much older than the students – we’re a younger generation, and I understand the challenges you have,” said Ford. He pointed out that lobbying from the student population instigated his scrapping the $60 vehicle registration fee, that many student drivers made it clear to him they simply couldn’t afford the fee.

via North of Toronto, south of York–still in Ford country | Excalibur Publications.

Summary: our 41-year-old mayor understands youth, and heard from them en masse that a fee equivalent to the cost of one tank of gas was making driving unaffordable.

(Update: Turns out Pippin Lee is actually the photographer. The article is by Jacqueline Perlin. I’ve left my lame hobbit joke intact as a gift to future generations. But I do regret the error.)


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