Caught in the headlights of new LRV storage yard

New councillor Mary-Margaret McMahon, replacing the Nixon-esque Sandra Bussin in Ward 32, has made the media rounds this week with her fight to get the proposed new streetcar yard, set for the corner of Leslie & Lake Shore, moved elsewhere.

Local Ward 32 Councillor Mary Margaret McMahon, meanwhile, had to backtrack after coming out of a meeting with TTC Chair Karen Stintz, Ward 30 Councillor Paula Fletcher and St. Paul’s Councillor Joe Mihevc.

In a letter issued by her office, McMahon had said that “all were in agreement” that there ought to be a 90-day moratorium on work [on the new LRV storage facility].

According to Mihevc and Stintz, that was far from the case – and McMahon issued a retraction, noting that “everyone” didn’t support her idea.

Mihevc called the retraction “tepid.”

“The reality was that no one supported it,” said Mihevc.

via InsideToronto Article: Future of LRV facility turns into war of words.


I don’t know enough about this issue to really weigh in on it — my preference would be to do whatever necessary to ensure no delays to the new streetcar order — but I think Joe Clark’s take is worth reading. It’s a local perspective on the site, presenting a side that probably won’t be covered by the media as they write about this issue over the next few months. (He describes it as a “massive exurban toybox more suited to T. Rex than a mom pushing a stroller.”)

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