Invisible mayor

Anna Mehler Paperny and Kelly Grant weren’t able to get an interview with Amir Remtulla, Ford’s new Chief of Staff, for their weekend article, so they sort of improvised with a long feature that ledes with an imagined stage play. It’s not bad at all, and includes some great quotes:

Even budget chief Mike Del Grande doesn’t “see much of Rob,” he says.

“I bump into him and he goes, ‘How’s it going, buddy?’ That’s about it. I tell him I haven’t removed the windows from my office and jumped out yet. The guy’s a busy guy. I don’t probably see as much of him as I did as a councillor.”

Councillor Doug Ford, the mayor’s jovial big brother, is perplexed when asked why the mayor has been somewhat cloistered – even though he is the Ford doing the interview for this story, not his brother.

via The enigma that is Rob Ford’s new chief of staff – The Globe and Mail.

I love the Doug Ford bit because it’s such great feigned ignorance.

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