Giambrone: the forever disappointment

Kelly Grant with the Globe & Mail:

Former TTC chair Adam Giambrone will be getting a bill in the mail asking that he pay back the more than $3,300 by which he overspent his $125,000 budget last year.

The Toronto Transit Commission voted Tuesday to send Mr. Giambrone the tab.

via TTC votes to send Giambrone the bill for blown budget – The Globe and Mail.

If you’re a right-wing type of person and you end up in an argument with a Toronto left-wing type, feel free to throw Adam Giambrone at us as an example of a progressive politician that fits a bunch of negative stereotypes.

This is a lame move on the TTC’s end, as it just feels petty and he’s never going to pay the thing anyway. (What are they going to do — sue him?)

Still, though, I suppose it’s worth noting just so we can pause and reflect on how Adam Giambrone, despite a ton of potential, really didn’t live up to much.

Grant doesn’t mince words in this section either:

Mr. Giambrone didn’t answer a question about whether he intends to reimburse the transit agency in his message, which came from his old City of Toronto e-mail account. His signature still says he is chair of the TTC and councillor for Ward 18, despite his not standing for re-election last fall after lying about an affair.

Man, who knew you got to keep your email address even after you’re out of office? Sweet deal.


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