Doug Ford is whining about street closures

The Toronto Star’s Paul Moloney:

Councillor Doug Ford says there has to be a “better way” of running charity events and marathons that infuriate motorists by shutting down Toronto’s major expressways.

Mayor Rob Ford’s top advisor made the comments a day after the annual Becel Heart and Stroke Ride for Heart cycling fundraiser sparked complaints by closing parts of the Don Valley Parkway and the Gardiner Expressway.

via Doug Ford looks for solution to road-clogging charity events –

This is, of course, ridiculous. First, because it’s another example of Ford governing based on a small but elusive band of city residents who apparently call the Etobicoke councillor about all kinds of issues, even ones that take place nowhere near his ward.

And, second, come on. The suggestion that there’s a bunch of small-scale events that currently close city streets but could easily be moved to parks is just generally not true. Large events like marathons or bike races need the road space. Smaller events like protests or marches demand to be visible — they’re going to be out on the street whether you like it or not.

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