Toronto Spoke: “Stop pitting the suburbs and downtown against each other,” says Michael Binetti

Beginning at 9:30 a.m. and extending through to the next morning, the City of Toronto’s Executive Committee — led by Mayor Rob Ford — heard more than one hundred and fifty deputations from a diverse group of citizens. In a sincere bid to ensure that the passion, insight and creativity displayed over the course of that epic meeting is not forgotten, Ford For Toronto will be posting a deputation video every weekday for the month of August.

Deputant: Michael Binetti

Occupation: Recent graduate of the Ryerson University School of Urban & Regional planning

Political History: A Scarborough resident, he was vocal in his opposition to the round of cuts to bus service we saw this past winter.

Scheduled Speaker No.: 58; Actual Speaker No.: 55

Note: Binetti does a great job both using sarcasm and pointing out some serious errors in the KPMG report relating to transit.

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