Is your councillor part of Ford Nation? Introducing the City Council Scorecard

Toronto Council ScorecardI’ve launched a new section here at FordForToronto: the City Council Scorecard. This PDF file compiles the results of all major votes taken so far this council session, then provides a “Ford Nation” percentage indicating how often councillors have sided with the mayor on key issues.

You can read more about it here, or download the newest edition of the City Council Scorecard (PDF).

Currently the scorecard covers nine votes. On those items, 18 councillors have voted with the mayor 100% of the time. Only one councillor, Pam McConnell, has voted against the mayor 100% of the time on major issues.

I will update the Scorecard with any major items that occur during this week’s session. Stay tuned.

Update: At Toronto Life, John Michael McGrath has taken the Scorecard and mapped the percentages. Interesting to compare with the election results map.

Updated 2: Torontoist was nice enough to let me contribute a piece for them about the Scorecard. It includes a few different views of the data and a bit of commentary.


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