Pretty well everyone thinks mayor’s subway plan is stupid

I get to run over-the-top headlines like that because this is a blog. Real media has to be nicer, as evidenced by this Globe & Mail article by John Lorinc and Kelly Grant titled “What it will take to make subway plan a reality.”

They write:

Mr. Ford’s subway turns on attracting high-density development. Sheppard is a mix of malls, apartments and single-family homes. City officials would have to conduct studies and hold public meetings to solicit feedback on sharply increasing density and height limits.

Even if the new rules survive scrutiny by dozens of Scarborough neighbourhoods and win council approval, such sweeping zone changes will almost certainly be appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board.

via What it will take to make subway plan a reality – The Globe and Mail.

It’s astounding how many pieces have to fall into place to make this thing a reality.

Councillor John Filion’s comments are noteworthy as well, indicating that the presence of the existing Sheppard subway hasn’t improved the traffic situation in the area. Which makes sense, given that the subway isn’t really geared toward local service.

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