The federal election and our missing mayor

The Globe & Mail story has a good story about transit and the role it should play in the federal election. According to the byline, it’s written by — deep breath — Siri Agrell, Les Perreaux, Wendy Stueck and  Josh Wingrove.

They start strong:

Commute times in Canadian cities are no longer just a source of rush-hour irritation, but a national liability affecting the economic performance of our urban centres and requiring immediate intervention from Ottawa.

via Transit problems across Canada prompt calls for politicians to address issue – The Globe and Mail.

Canadians tend to totally let the federal government off the hook when it comes to this kind of thing. We are the only G8 country without a National Transit Strategy. That should make you angry, especially in an era of rising gas prices.

The article features quotes from the mayors of Vancouver, Calgary and Port Moody. This is all that is said about Toronto:

In Toronto, congestion has reached epic proportion and large-scale projects by the regional transit authority Metrolinx (the Big Move plan) have been thrown into jeopardy by the election of Mayor Rob Ford, who is firmly opposed to expanding light rail.

Despite publicly threatening to lead a campaign against the Provincial government if they didn’t provide additional funding for this city, our mayor has made no demands of the federal government. Missed opportunity.

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