May 11

Rob Ford’s schedule a closely held secret

The Globe & Mail’s Patrick White reports on the latest FOI-driven release of Rob Ford’s weekly schedule. It contains “three entirely blank pages in his weekly calendar.”

Ford’s often invisible, but not generally thought of as lazy, so what’s the deal?

White tells us:

A more likely explanation for the empty schedule is a quiet shift in the way Mr. Ford’s appointments are recorded.

In March, a release of the mayor’s schedule tracking his activity from Nov. 1 to Jan. 31 laid out an exhausting list of up to 14 appointments a day. That version of the calendar caused alarm in the mayor’s office after media outlets began investigating some of the people the mayor met, including developer Mario Cortellucci and businessman Jonathan Vrozos.

The mayor’s office has deliberately withheld names from subsequent calendar entries.

via Ford’s schedule reveals little activity – The Globe and Mail.

Respect for Taxpayers. As long as they don’t know what I’m doing and who I’m meeting with.