Beginning at 9:30 a.m. and extending through to the next morning, the City of Toronto’s Executive Committee — led by Mayor Rob Ford — heard more than one hundred and fifty deputations from a diverse group of citizens. In a sincere bid to ensure that the passion, insight and creativity displayed over the course of that epic meeting is not forgotten, Ford For Toronto will be posting a deputation video every weekday for the month of August.
Deputant: Gilary Massa Machado (twitter)
Occupation: I can find reference to her being Equity & Campaigns Organizer for the the Ryerson University Student Union and a theatre usher.
Political History: Got some flack in her role as a VP for the York University Federation of Students when she opposed an on-campus debate on abortion in 2008.
Scheduled Speaker No.: 103; Actual Speaker No.: 83
Note: Gilary makes a reference to the mayor not being in attendance for her deputation — he had stepped out, and would remain absent for about an hour — which leads to a pretty funny point-of-order from Councillor Giorgio Mammoliti toward the end of the video.
Tags: budget, core service review, toronto spoke